June 20, 2009

By Gene S. Foster, M.S.

Science is all about Hypotheses, Experimentation, Observation, Repetition and final Evaluation.

Let’s do a simple but useful thought experiment. Our hypothesis will be that a roll of quarters all neatly stacked together, when thrown into the air will land in the original stacked position. So we throw the quarters, let them land, and then we evaluate the results. What do we find? Quarters strewn all over the room. Well, science is about replication of experimental data so let’s try it again. And again. And yet again. Same results every time. After 100 tosses we must conclude that our original hypothesis that the quarters will land all stacked up together is false. In fact, we must conclude, based upon our experimental data, that the quarters will land in a state ofdisorder every single time that we toss them. What if we throw the quarters every minute for a thousand years? Will they ever land in the stacked up position? No! What if we continue throwing them for a million years? or a billion years? Will there ever be an incident in which they land in a stacked position? No – they never will. The only way we will be able to get them to stay together in the stacked position is if we somehow attach them to each other so they can’t separate – but that is fudging the data.

Why is this? There is a basic law of science called the Second Law of Thermodynamics that says that energy always flows toward a state of disorder or randomness. Because of this law, things don’t spontaneously become more organized on their own. Organization requires an agent external to the system, like our quarters, to put it into order. So the quarters have to be stacked by someone, and if they aren’t, they go to disorder every time. That’s why we have to clean our houses to bring it from a state of randomness (“a mess”) to a state of order (“cleanliness”). On a larger scale, we have to engineer and manufacture things to bring order into our world out of its natural state of chaos.

Evolutionists fantasize that the reverse of the Second Law has occurred in the past which resulted in random forces becoming workable organized living systems without any external, intelligent agency (God) performing the organization. According to the evolution fairy tale, basic elements such as Nitrogen, Carbon and Oxygen somehow defeated the disorganizing forces in order to assemble themselves randomly into useful molecules. Then these molecules continued assembling themselves, always without purpose and outside agent, into useful molecules. This occurred in a never ending cycle of fortuitous events until useful proteins and carbohydrates were formed. Then complex cells somehow formed the essential subunits of the first living cell. This required, as a minimum, the complex cell membrane or wall, energy conversion micro machinery (mitochondria) , information storage and transfer systems (DNA/RNA), and molecular micro assembly factories (ribosomes). All of this also required specially designed proteins to carry raw materials to the assembly points and the products away from them. Other complex proteins (enzymes) had to be ready to initiate and propagate chemical reactions. Without these bare minimum systems in place, there never could have been a first cell, and without that first cell there could never be another cell. And all of this had to be done through entirely spontaneous events, since evolution allows for no Creator/ Being as agent. To further complicate the requirements, all of the systems and intermediary molecules had to evolve to completion and be present at the same time and place in order for that first cell to be formed. This is because destructive forces were always present, as they are today, acting against every living thing. In other words, the membrane couldn’t form and then be stored for 100 million years while another system was being evolved to work with it.

If the absurdity that a cell could spontaneously form isn’t enough for you to believe, evolutionists then tell you that that first cell gradually formed into systems, then simple organisms, then more complex organisms, until finally the super complex living organisms that we know today were produced. Every upward step of this process over billions of years worked in complete defiance of the basic laws of science and mathmatics: The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. And so, voila, like magic, evolutionists tell us that we have highly complex living creatures and mankind alive today!

Evolutionists imagine that if an impossible event is tried enough times that eventually something useful will occur. That is why they insist that the universe is billions of years old despite much evidence to the contrary. Think back to our experiment with the roll of quarters. The probability of a roll of quarters that is tossed into the air, landing upright and intact is exactly ZERO! We know this by experimentions and observations through all of the thousands of years of human experience. In mathematics, zero times any number is always zero. Take the largest number that any computer can generate, multiply it by zero, and the result will always be zero! So an event which has zero chance of succeeding will never occur, not even once, no matter how many billions of years that it has opportunity given to it to succeed!

The chance that one functional, living, reproducing cell could be generated is zero. And the chance that the first cell could be reproduced is zero multiplied by itself trillions and trillions of times over again. And the result is still ZERO!

Once upon a time, “scientists” such as Aristotle believed inSpontaneous Generation. That is, they believed that life spontaneously emerges from nonliving things. By the 1700s and 1800s, most scientists believed in spontaneous generation. A few scientists such as Francisco Redi and Louis Pasteur (a creation scientist) did not. By intelligent experimentation they proved that life can only come from life, and conversely, that nonlife can never produce life.

Sadly, intelligent people today still persist in the oldspontaneous generation argument because that is what evolution must resort to in its explanation of the first living cell. It is an argument that denies the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics and therefore,evolution is fantasy, not science!