Evolution vs. Disorder

June 20, 2009 By Gene S. Foster, M.S. Science is all about Hypotheses, Experimentation, Observation, Repetition and final Evaluation. Let’s do a simple but useful thought experiment. Our hypothesis will be that a roll of quarters all neatly stacked together, when thrown into the air will land in the original stacked position. So we throw […]

Macroevolution v. Microevolution…There is a Difference

July 22, 2009 by Gene Foster, M.S. Macro means large. Micro means small. So Macrocosm refers to the whole earth or universe while Microcosm refers to a miniature version of the former. When Charles Darwin wrote his famous book, “The Origin of Species”, which has served evolution’s cause of being the sole view heard in […]

Creation/Evolution and the First Law

April 30, 2009 by Gene Foster, M.S. The first question in the Creation vs. Evolution debate is how the universe came into existence. The Bible says that a Being Who is not subject to natural laws or time created it all from nothing. Many refuse to accept this ‘miraculous’ explanation. Those who do so, readily […]