JOIN US SUNDAY STARTING @ 10:30 AM | 3627 Southeast 29th Avenue, Amarillo, TX

About Us

Caprock is a church where anyone can be transformed by the Good News of Jesus. We believe in being real and authentic both in our personal lives and in our church. Our church family is made up of many different people from many different backgrounds united by one focus and that it to serve our community by loving God, and loving people with the Gospel.


Our staff and volunteers are a dynamic team that facilitates the ministries of Caprock Baptist Church

Senior Pastor

Jon Watson was saved here at Caprock Baptist Church. He has faithfully served Christ for over 25 years. He has trained under several pastors. He loves people and has a great passion to see people come to Christ and reach their potential as a child of God. He and his wife Tracy have a beautiful family.

Our Beliefs

Here is what we at Caprock Baptist Church believe about God and the Bible.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God in all of its 66 books. It is inspired of God and preserved by Him in its very words. We use and recommend only the King James Version (1611 KJV) for English speaking people. We interpret it literally except when context reveals a symbolic meaning.

We accept the Bible’s revelation about the Person of God: that He is the one eternal, infinite Spirit revealed as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, all of whom are coequal in authority, glory and power.

We believe the literal Genesis account of God’s creation of the world and man. We reject evolutionary ideas in all of their variations.

We believe that heaven and hell are real places which are inhabited by real creatures and persons. Those in heaven experience eternal joy while those in hell experience eternal torment.

We accept the biblical revelation that human beings are born as fallen creatures. Man cannot form a relationship with God through any effort of his or her self. This means that no amount of good deeds or religious ritual, sacrifice or service, can pay a person’s way into relationship with God. This applies to every human being: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)

We believe that Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah to Israel and is the Saviour of all mankind. He is the second person of the Trinity of God, coequal to the Father and the Spirit. He was conceived as a physical human by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary; lived a sinless life in the flesh; took human sin upon His body on the cross and satisfied God’s justice by the Divine retribution inflicted upon Him. By His sacrificial work, God now offers mercy to every repentant sinner. Finally, He was resurrected in a glorious body from the dead and this was followed by His visible ascension back into heaven where He is now seated up the throne of God.

Jesus Christ created His Church. (Matt. 16:18) The purpose of the Church is to evangelize the world (Mark 16:15). The Church at present consists only of local, independent congregations of born-again, baptized believers in Christ. These churches are to preach Christ to lost sinners, baptize them, and then teach them how to live in service to Christ Jesus. The Head of each church is Jesus Christ; the Pastor is the caretaker of the church; the people arepriests unto God and make up the body of each local church. TheBible is the operating authority and guide for the church. There are only two ordinances of the church; these are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is by complete immersion of a saved person by a scriptural church. The Lord’s Supper shows the pure body and priceless blood of Christ by taking unleavened bread and puregrape juice as symbolic memorials, respectively. We reject denominational organizations which usurp the scripturally mandated independent nature of the local church.

All people and churches are to obey civil government with respect to its laws and civil servants. The only exception to this is when a government commands a believer or church to violate God’s clear commands (Romans 13: 1-7).

We anticipate a pre-tribulational rapture of the saved (I Thes.4:16-17) and a pre-millennial return of Christ to earth. These will be separated by seven years of Divine tribulation upon man and the devil. Following the return of Christ to earth, there will come His 1,000 year kingdom reign upon earth. This will be followed by the complete destruction of Satan in the Lake of Fire and the implementation of eternity.

God is love! He naturally loves all human beings and so wants to save everyone from hell. God is also righteous justice and so He cannot just overlook sin. So He came as Christ and paid the price whereby He can give people mercy without overlooking justice. By His sacrifice on the cross and the shedding of His blood, Christ Jesus has stored up salvation for every human being. There is no sin, however revolting to man and God, that God is not able to set aside whenever a person is saved. The sins are washed away and God brings them up no more!

Our History

Our history has molded us into who we are today.

Caprock Baptist Church has been living at the corner of 29th and Hill streets for over 45 years. 

Our Church was founded to serve our surrounding community. Through the years it remains God’s faithful witness to our corner of Amarillo. Throughout its history it has had many great men of God leading it to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus left us to do. Our Church’s goal is to see people come to Christ, repent of their sins, and be baptized to become members of our church. Our Church has seen many generations of people grow in their faith and become dedicated servants of Christ. Many members have gone on to become trained pastors and missionaries taking the gospel to other places. We have a rich history of quality preaching that has led to people growing in their faith.